Unlocking the World of Learning: The Artistic Journey of North Belfast Students

Primary school children in North Belfast have taken part in a unique research project helping them creatively share insights into what helps and hinders their learning. Around 80 children from six local primary schools took part in a series of art workshops in schools, in which their lived experiences were captured as part of Save the Children NI’s Listen to Learn project, organised alongside the North Belfast Primary Principals’ Group and delivered by specialist Young at Art artists.
Impact of Socio-Economic Challenges
Children’s insights from the research include the impact of socio-economic challenges, such as financial difficulties and unstable living conditions, on their ability to focus on learning.
Community Integration and Family Support
The research highlights the desire for safe community spaces and the significant role family members play as learning companions for children in North Belfast.
Pupil Perspectives
Children shared their thoughts and artwork at a special event on March 11, emphasizing how the project helped them express themselves and explore their creativity in a calming environment.
Educational Advocacy
Educators and community leaders at the launch event at the Landsdowne Hotel in Belfast committed to prioritizing children's voices in decision-making processes to enhance access to educational resources and opportunities.