Empowering Students: The Impact of School Social Workers in Northern Ireland

The Role of a School Social Worker
One of Northern Ireland’s first school social workers, Charlene Hill, emphasizes her pivotal function in enhancing student success. Having a background in social work in Scotland followed by specializing in family intervention work in Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Charlene transitioned to St Ronan’s College in Lurgan to serve as a school social worker.
Providing Wrap-Around Support
St Ronan’s College, acknowledging the necessity for enhanced post-COVID support, embraced the concept of a school social worker to extend services to pupils, families, and the community. Charlene's role evolved from pastoral work to supporting pupils from various backgrounds to maximize their educational potential through monitoring, check-ins, and multi-agency collaboration.
Facilitating Difficult Conversations
Charlene's experience in family intervention equips her to engage in sensitive conversations to address the well-being and educational needs of students effectively. She acts as a crucial link between external agencies, parents, and the school, ensuring a holistic approach to student support.