Two-Week Street Closure in Belfast City Centre for Urgent Sewer Repairs

Two-Week Street Closure in Belfast City Centre for Urgent Sewer Repairs

Belfast City Centre Street Closure

A street in Belfast city centre is set to shut for a fortnight from next week for emergency works. NI Water has confirmed it's scheduled to commence emergency sewer repair work on Tuesday, March 18 on Wellington Street. To undertake the work safely, Wellington Street will be closed to through traffic between College Square East and Upper Queen Street for up to two weeks. The diversion route available will be via College Square East, Wellington Place and Upper Queen Street. A spokesperson for NI Water said: "Businesses in the area have been notified and traffic management personnel will be in place to manage essential access and deliveries to properties within the road closure area. Pedestrian access will be available throughout the work and our contractor GEDA will strive to complete the work in the shortest possible timeframe." NI Water would like to thank local businesses and the wider public for their patience and cooperation while we carry out this urgent repair work to improve the condition of the local wastewater network. For all the latest news, visit the Belfast Live homepage here and sign up to our daily newsletter here.